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Meet Our 2022/2023 Reserve Novice Champion, Anne Minnich & Zinc!

She has a fantastic sense of humor and they are already out there doing great work in Pro-Novice this winter! Say hello to Anne and Zinc!

Your Name Anne Minnich

Dogs Name Zinc

Dogs Nicknames Zincy Loo Hoo

Dogs Age 4

How did you choose/end up with this dog?  Trudy Vickland  pointed me to the litter

Did you choose them or did they choose you?  We chose each other

How long have you been training/trialing? 3 years

Cows or sheep? Sheep

Belly rubs or ear scratches? Both

What is your favorite thing about this dog?  She is so willing to partner up and try new things.   It is just one big sheep adventure to her. 

Describe your dog in three words?  Personality, bidability, try

What is your favorite thing about trialing? Seeing everyone's run

What has been your biggest challenge?  Knowing what to do and say to help my dog. 

Most valuable thing this dog has taught you?  Teamwork

What is your favorite thing to train with your dogs? Herding

Best advice anyone has ever taught you? When it gets crazy out there slow down and lower the volume 

What is your proudest moment with your dog or what are you proudest about your dog? Getting good steering on drives

What do you consider your greatest success? Having the courage to go to the post

What has been a lesson you will never forget? I forget. 

Who/what dogs are you watching right now?  That is a long list

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