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OSDS Board Meeting May 10, 2023


Members Present








Meeting called to order


1.  Secretary’s report

There are 103 members currently in OSDS

Minutes from last meeting were sent out via email to all board members

Donna motions to accept April meeting minutes

Liz seconds the motion

Motion passes


2.  Treasurers Report

Donna has sent the bank statements out to board members via email.

All of the bills have been paid and we are current. 

Liz motions  to accept the treasurer’s report

Laurene seconds the motion

Motion passes


3.  Website Laundry List


a.  Accept Online Form Submissions: not only hard copy written forms.  

Donna moves to accept the motion to add online forms to OSDS

Laurene seconds the motion 

Motion Passes


b.  Amend Sanctioning Form For Multiple Submissions: New Sanctioning form will allow trial hosts to add multiple dates for their trials on one form.

Donna motions to make the new form as outlined above.

Laurene second the motion

Motion passes


c.  NonMember/Member Price 

Do we want a member price and a non member price for asd on the webpage and for events that OSDS puts on?

For example on the webpage we have:

Classified Ads


Online classes (possibly at a later date)


Services page



Laurene motions that we charge $20 for non members on the website and for events.

Donna seconds the motion

Motion passes


d.  Merchandise 

How do we want to add items to the store on the webpage?  Do we want to vote on the inclusion of each item?

We will put suggested items on the board members only dashboard on the website.  The board can see what is proposed and we will discuss it at a regularly scheduled board meeting.  


e.  Reaching Out to Businesses for Resource Page

email people?

personally reach out?

We need to add a disclaimer at the top of the page citing that the OSDS does not personally endorse the individuals or ads on the page. 




We will email members and ask for people to put their business or services on our webpage.

Board members are ok to recruit people to add their info to our webpage.  

OSDS need to make sure we have something in writing to give to the people we recruit.


f.  Donations & Sponsorships gifts will be distributed 

We would like to solicit donations and scholarships from vendors.  If Wilco would like to donate then it is possible we would hang their banner at our events and attach their logo to our webpage and correspondence in return for their donations.


Maggie will make a form for donations that includes all of the information they will need to donate such as our 501c5 non profit number.  




g.  Forever in Our Hearts & Handlers Who Inspire page addition to the website

We would like to add this page to the website.  It was on the previous website in 2016.


h.  Community photo album page addition to the website

Members would  post photos of trial results and dogs and handlers  

Photos need a label with names and places for history purposes

Donna moves to add this page to the website.

Maggie seconds the motion

The motion passes


i.  Donna suggests a Hall of Fame page for the website

It would have honorary members and board members from the past and OSDS archives and complete stored history on the website.  Donna has passed a file onto Elaine that has all of the info on it.

Elaine sent a file to Alicia; she has not found  a lot of history on the files.


j.  Clinician and Event Postings

wanted to post all of the organizations 



our stuff is priority

who are we promoting on our webpage?

Fidos?  Clinicians any one 


k.  Association Links WASH etc. 

No AKC  

no ahba

no asca 

table it for now!


l.  scavenger hunt with website   offer lesson from Dave Viklund   year membership lifetime membership free 

tabled until next meeting


4.  Emma Gray  Webinar Update

Maggie has reached out to her but has not heard back yet.


5.  Awards  $600  

Maggie lands end bags tote bag with 

use our merchandise store to do for 

options in the merchandise


biggest prize for open and reserve

pronov reserve

nov nov reserve


6.  Open Board Meetings for all OSDS members:

BiLaws technically notify the membership for all of our meetings  second wednesday of the month having a meeting and give them meeting zoom membership listens everyone muted observe meeting    


webpage video auto zoom use it and make practice link join observe   probably  put out the agenda reaching out what we are doing.  Open for business   


move to adjourn Donna

liz second


Email Vote Thursday May 4, 2023


Revised motion :

I (Laurene Stepan) motion that OSDS hold a Photo Fundraiser on May 20, 2023 with the detail of the event being:

Date: Saturday May 20th

Location: Laurene Stepan's House

Main Photographer: Dave Viklund

Price:$125 Per Person For Members/$145 Non-Members

30 mins With Lead Photographer and up to a half hour more with Secondaries

5 Photos with main photographer and 5 from OSDS Photo Library

Slots from 2p-6:30p

$80 Photographer/$20 Dollars OSDS/$25 Sheep Fee


Maggie Yates seconds the motion


Yes-Laurene, Liz, Amelia, Maggie, Donna, Elaine, Alicia

No- zero

Abstain-Dave Viklund


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