OSDS Board Meeting March 8, 2023
Pre Meeting Notes:
We have several vacancies on the board. Can we recruit some new board members? Maybe Paul or Cynthia?
Secretaries Report
Minutes for the last meeting were sent via email to all board members.
Amelia motions to accept the minutes.
Maggie seconds the motion
The motion passes
Treasurer's Report
There was no treasurer's report sent for this month. We will table the treasurer's report.
Old Business
OSDS Arena Trial:
Possible dates:
Sun June 4th (there's a USBCHA trial in CA at Tulelake - OSDS sanctioned)
July 1/2 (no conflicts)
September 9 (shepherds retreat - OSDS Sanctioned)
September 16/17 (World trial in Ireland
September 24 (no conflicts)
Due to conflicts we would like to target July 1 / 2 as our trial dates.
Arena Trial To Do List:
1. Contact ABCA and request money (for promotion of our sport) of $2,000.00. They award the money in April so we need to get on it.
2. Sheep rental: Reed Anderson no longer does sheep rentals so we need to contact Levi Wahl and see if we can get sheep for July 1 or 2.
3. Contact Yamhill Co. Fairgrounds and see if they still have July 1 or 2 available.
4. Get USBCHA sanctioning
It will cost $550/day to rent the arena. We do not know for sure what the sheep fee will be. If we charge $50/2 runs and we get 25 people we make $1250. We could limit day money and have finals with more of a cash payout. We should limit our first outing to a one day trial to see how it goes.
Maggie motions for OSDS to host a USBCHA trial July 1, 2023 provided we are able to obtain a sufficient number of sheep from Levi commensurate with the number of entries and provided that the arena is still available on that date.
Donna seconds the motion
The motion passes.
Maggie will contact ABCA about getting a cash donation, she will contact Levi Wahl about sheep rental and the USBCHA for trial sanctioning.
Meeting reconvened due to Zoom malfunction. Dave Viklund unable to connect. Maggie (VP) has taken over the meeting.
We need to start thinking about end of year awards in July. Maggie will send out an email. Please give me one idea of the award you would like OSDS to give this year. We need to think about if we want to give the same award two years in a row.
Webpage: Laurene proposes a change in our webpage. The current web page that is formatted by word press and built by a web page professional, who did a wonderful job, is not user friendly. It has required one person, who can navigate it, to do all of the work on it. We would like a place where all of the information is in one place and the person(s) that do that particular area in OSDS can update and post their own items on the web page independently. Alicia has started building a web page on Wix that is user friendly and would streamline the work.
We would need to upgrade from the free webpage Alicia designed in order to use all of the benefits this webpage would provide. Laurene will investigate the cost and make a proposal at the next board meeting.
New Business
Maggie proposed OSDS create an Instagram page. Topic tabled until next meeting
Elaine motions to adjourn
Motion receives a second and the meeting is adjourned.