OSDS Board Meeting December 13, 2023
Board Members present:
Secretary Report:
Minutes for the last meeting were sent via email to the board.
Amendment by Dave regarding the WASH/OSDS merger discussion on November 2023 Board Meeting:
OSDS/WASH merger?
The Board was contacted by a WASH member to discuss the possibility of a WASH/OSDS merger. The Board future casted possible positive and negative consequences of merging with WASH. The Board concluded that if the merger were to happen, it would require WASH to be absorbed by OSDS and OSDS would incur minimal changes to the structure and purpose of the organization and it would require a vote of the membership.
Donna motions to accept as amended
Maggie seconds the motion
The motion passes
Secretary reports that OSDS has 24 members paid for the new year.
Treasurers Report:
Current Balances:
Checking $5934.12
Money market $5915.75
Entire year financials ( January - End of November) coming out soon.
Reimbursements were sent to Alicia and Dave.
Discussion on OSDS obtaining insurance for our trials. It was decided that OSDS needs to acquire insurance for our encourager trials. We need a rider on our basic insurance.
Old Business:
1. Trial Host Gifts-Should we do memberships again, should we do gift bags? Discussion on the permanence of gifts and memberships for trial hosts.
OSDS will vote on the budget for the gift bags and inclusion of memberships.
2. Collaboration with WASH Brainstorming Ideas
Arena Trial
Photo Day
Out run lift fetch
Drive day
Pen day
Shed day
WASH Skills day does not conflict with our schedule of events.
We didn't schedule a day at this time because both OSDS and WASH need to bring it back to their boards for a vote.
3. Next OSDS Encourager Trial
Maggie makes a motion for OSDS to hold an encourager trial on February 10, 2024 at Brigands Hideout.
Amelia seconds the motion
The motion passes.
Encourager Trial Fees:
OSDS charges participants of the trial to pay for the sheep. OSDS can make money with other events to pay for the trial. We are justified in this approach because our mission statement for OSDS is to support dog work at home and at trials.
4. OSDS Events Planning (we need to get dates on the calendar):
a. Discussion on having outrun-lift-fetch at Fido’s:
b. We discussed doing the shedding clinic at Brigand’s
Amelia Shedding Clinic: Motion we do a 2 day shedding clinic with Amelia Smith at Brigand’s on March 2nd and 3rd. We will reimburse Ameilia for fuel and motel, and charge a fee (to be determined) to attendees. Maggie seconds. Motion passed.
c. Vicki Avery’s:
Dave is unavailable the last weekend of March through May. Vicky would like to do the commercial clinic in the fall. We could do a farm flock/small commercial one earlier in the year if we would like. Vicky is confirming dates for June for a field trial.
d. Elaine: I have Spoken to the local fair board in La Grande about doing an arena trial at the county fair Aug. 2nd or 3rd. I have secured sheep for the cost of fuel. We can keep it novice and pro-novice. Donna moves to pursue an OSDS trial in La Grande on August 2 or 3rd. Maggie seconds the motion. MotionPassed. Elaine will pursue the trial and get details.
5. Free Webinars
a. Vicky has agreed to January for a free webinar focused on commercial operations. She is going to contact the Wahl family about participating. If we can vote in favor of it soon we can get it on the calendar so we can start promoting it. We will need a host for this webinar.
b. Potential Other Webinars
Liz and Paul Murray
Veterinary Webinar with Maggie and her friend
6. Webinars (fees charged)
Paddy Fanning
Hailey Huniwell Alicia
Don Helsey
Bryan White
Kathy Knox and Herbert Homes have interest (Possible)
Proposed hosts for the Webinars: Maggie hosts Paddy and Bryan. Alicia hosts Hailey and Don Helsey.
Discussion on when to hold webinars:
We are proposing two webinars in spring and two in the fall. OR
one every other month and then a free one on the other month
6 ($) per year
Someone asked how much it cost for Zoom. Answer: Zoom webinar $79/month. Thus, we are trying for two in one month.
7. Elections results
Maggie: President
Vicky: Western Director
Liz: Eastern Director (finish term)
Elaine: Director at large
Hera M: Director at large
Laurene: Secretary
Alicia: Webmaster
Donna: Treasurer
Cynthia Mills: VP
Elaine will update the email to reflect the new board members on Jan. 1st.
Donna moves adjourn
Maggie seconds
Motion Passed.